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Aluminum alloy in a sentence

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Sentence count:145Posted:2017-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: aluminumaluminum oxidealuminiumnuminousluminaryluminousillumineluminance
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61 Material is stainless steel and high intensity aviation grade aluminum alloy through anodization, firm and durable, long service life.
62 The window all changed into the aluminum alloy, uglily is unable to withstand.
63 A porcelain like film with protective and ornamental function can be obtained by anodizing aluminum alloy in potassium titanyl oxalate acidic solution.
64 The results showed that the method with intuition and data reliability is a better way to investigate quantitatively the modification law for aluminum alloy.
65 Aluminum alloy wheel hub modelling simple powerful,( the tire screw has decorates the cap nut.
66 An experimental study on cutting force, cut- in impact force and cutting-tool wear are conducted in the interrupted cutting of aluminum alloy with PCD tools.
67 Figure 2 is an actual plot of data taken from a family of molds of the same design used to produce a one-piece, gravity PM cast aluminum alloy passenger car wheel.
68 According to feature of 6A02 aluminum alloy and quality requirement of the shapes, spray quenching and forced air quenching on the shapes flowing bed of extruder were conducted.
69 Aluminum alloy is used to cast the shell for its beauty and durableness . Tricolor energy-saving lamps and transparent lampshades are used for enjoyable appearance and good practicality.
70 The results show that the aluminum alloy sandwich deck under lateral pedrail deck load and wheel load would fail in the form of compression buckling.
71 T-joint is an important constructional form in the structure of automobile body made of aluminum alloy.
72 The aluminum alloy casting can be rapidly cooled from the solutionizing temperature directly to the aging temperature, eliminating the room temperature hold of a conventional process.
73 The indoors SMD full color product: Uses the high polymer tofireproofingPC the revertex face shield and the aluminum alloy face shield, has the good heat dispersion.
74 Deep penetration laser welding was performed at aluminum alloy LF 3 Y 2 under hot and press condition.
75 Filter medium adopts kinds of materials, such as inorganic fiber, cellulose fiber, resin-impregnated paper, Filter vessel is die-cast in aluminum alloy.
76 Surface oxidation treated aluminum alloy makes the machine sanitary, sturdy and durable.
77 The aluminum alloy bridge deck designed in chapter four was used for the footbridge, and the stiffness, natural frequency and stability factor is calculated also.
78 Feeding effect can be improved with qualified casting using side riser gating system for plate or heavy concave aluminum alloy casting.
79 The local corrosion area on the hard aluminum alloy of aircraft skin surface was rapidly renovated in- situ by anodising with brush electroplating equipment firstly and then spray painting.
80 The results of the corrosion experiment of two periods for half a year and one year show the protection of alclad on LC4 aluminum alloy was different because of different water.
81 Do spot welding experiments to aluminum alloy plate in the same condition of simulation, prepare low magnification metallographic photos of joint , and measure nugget diameter and penetration rate.
82 In seawater and fresh water, aluminum alloy was not corroded as the all protection of alclad.
83 The casting technique for a huge aluminum alloy casting is studied by hydrodynamics simulation using Lucite mould.
84 The self-lubricate coating on the surface of aluminum alloy was prepared by synergistic technology, which was based on the study of the analysis of the import mechanical work piece.
85 Gypsum board ceilings and looks obscure compared Liu sharp color beautiful couple more settle on the aluminum alloy ceiling.
86 The reasons of porosities production and process instability in CO2 laser welding shipbuilding T-section aluminum alloy are also discussed.
87 In the neutral insulated system, it is equipped with earth fault detector. The guide rail of drawer units adopted special aluminum alloy, safety and reliability.
88 With the fabricated preforms , the pressure casting process of porous aluminum alloy was studied.
89 It is shown that the mechanical properties of annealed sample of 2224 aluminum alloy are improved by the combination of solid solution and aging treatment after ECAP, the size of grain is refined.
90 The chemical milling process for 2219 aluminum alloy tube was investigated using orthogonal test and the optimum formula and technology were established.
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